Comparative Analysis between FY-4A/LMI Lightning Data and Three-Dimensional Lightning Data in Zhejiang Province
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In order to further strengthen the application of satellite-to-ground lightning, the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics and spatial-temporal matching features are comparatively analysed in Zhejiang Province based on lightning data from FengYun (FY)-4A Lightning Mapping Imager (LMI) and Advanced Direction and Time-of-arrival Detecting (ADTD)-2C three-dimensional lightning location system from June to August in 2020. In addition, by combining reflectivity of Doppler radar mosaics and cloud top brightness temperature from FY-4A Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI), the spatial and temporal evolution patterns of lightning data from two observation systems are analysed during a thunderstorm process in Zhejiang Province on 15 July 2020. The results show that from June to August in 2020, the number of LMIG detected by LMI was 8483, while the number of lightning detected by the ADTD-2C three-dimensional lightning location system was 376932. The ratio of the two sets of data was approximately 1∶44.43. The monthly and spatial distributions of lightning detected by these two systems were generally consistent, while diurnal variation of which were different. Specifically, diurnal variation of LMIG presented two peaks, and diurnal variation of three-dimensional lightning showed only one peak. Besides, when the time matching window was larger than 1.8 seconds, and the latitude and longitude matching window was larger than 0.5°, the matching rate gradually tended to be stable. Furthermore, the height of three-dimensional lightning matched with LMIG was mainly concentrated below 16 km, and the lightning intensity of which was mainly concentrated below 50 kA. During the thunderstorm weather in Zhejiang Province in the afternoon on 15 July 2020, the ratio of LMIG to three-dimensional lightning was approximately 1∶25.44. The time of the first LMIG and its peak time were both later than the time of the first three-dimensional lightning and its peak time. What’s more, the lightning data observed by the two systems corresponded well with the development process of the thunderstorm. When the thunderstorm was at the developing stage, the number of lightning data detected by the two systems was both gradually increasing, and when the thunderstorm was at the mature stage, the number of lightning data detected by the two systems was both maintaining a relatively high value, and when the thunderstorms were at the dissipation stage, the number of lightning data detected by the two systems was both decreasing rapidly. When it came to the spatial distribution of the lightning, both of the two datasets corresponded well with the spatial distribution of low cloud top brightness temperature.