InterOrbital Data Fusion Technology Based on MERSI-II Instrument of FY-3D Satellite
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Fengyun3D(FY3D), the Chinese nextgeneration polar orbiting meteorological satellite,launched in 2017, offers several advances over the FY3C. To support the major objective of developing data application of FY3D, it contains rich surface information such as vegetation and mountain areas, and plays an important role in remote sensing application monitoring. However, as a polar orbit satellite, FY3D orbits cover the corresponding area every 102 minutes. Because of the difference of zenith angle, solar altitude angle and calibration of each orbit, the brightness of different orbit data varies significantly in the global mosaic, and there are obvious gaps, as well as the movement and change of clouds, so there are obvious differences in cloud data between different orbits, which affects the application of MERSIII global data, especially in vegetation monitoring and urban heat island monitoring. Based on the global saw browsing system of the Fengyun3D satellite service system, this paper innovatively proposes a technology of data fusion between orbits by using the satellite zenith angle based on a certain optimization algorithm, designs and develops the corresponding engineering modules to eliminate the data difference between orbits. The practice proves that this technology has obvious effect and can significantly improve the telemetry of subsequent MERSIII loads to improve product application.