1. Peer Review Policy: The journal adopts a single-blind peer review system. The manuscripts will be sent to at least 2 external reviewers for peer review.
2. Acceptance rate:approximately 21%。
3. Review Process and Timing: After submission, the editorial office would conduct a preliminary review of the manuscript within 7 working days. Manuscripts are selected by their quality and also in accordance with the journal’s aim and scope. Those that pass the preliminary review would be sent to 2 or more reviewers, otherwise, the manuscripts are rejected. Authors would be notified of the results of the manuscript review within 3 month, during which time they are not allowed to submit the manuscript elsewhere. Authors must make a revision statement according to the reviewer’s comments. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final and impartial decision on whether to publish the manuscript based on their academic quality and reviewer’s opinions. If no notification is received from the journal within 6 months, authors are free to submit to other journals.
4. Manuscripts fromEditors or Editorial Board Members: For manuscripts submitted by the Editorial Board Members or editors of the journal, they must follow all the review and editing procedures of the journal. The review will be conducted independently of relevant Editorial Board Members, editors, and their research teams. All Editorial Board Members and editors are not allowed to participate in the review, editing, and publication decisions of the manuscripts written by themselves, their families, colleagues, or other authors with conflict of interests.
5. Appeal: Authors may make an appeal if they disagree with the comments from the reviewers. The authors need to write an appeal letter (with the manuscript serial number) and send it to qxkj@cma.gov.cn. Detailed reasons for appealing must be stated, including a comprehensive and reasonable answer to the reviewers’ comments. The appeal letter should also be stamped by the author’s institute. The editorial office will consider whether to change the decision case by case.
6. Review for Special Issue Submissions:The manuscript review process described above also applies to submissions for Special Issues.Manuscripts submitted for Special Issues undergo the same review and editing process as manuscripts submitted for Regular Issue, and are also subject to the final decision by the Editor-in-Chief, who is responsible for the entire journal content, including Special Issues.When organizing a Special Issue, the Editorial Office invites experts in the field to serve as Guest Editors. Their responsibilities include proposing the themes, soliciting manuscripts, organizing peer reviews, and resolving any issues during publication. The work of the Guest Editors is subject to the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief to ensure fairness in manuscript reviews.